Compass Box Glasgow Blend Review

In-Depth Review

Since its inception in 2000, Compass Box has tirelessly worked to make the most popular style of scotch whisky cool again. Masters in the art of blending, they have breathed new enthusiast excitement into the blended scotch whisky category. John Glaser, the founder of Compass Box, is a core reason why Compass Box has found such breathtaking success. And while Glaser has recently decided to step down after 23 years at the helm, Compass Box doesn’t look to be slowing down. Their excellent stocks of whisky seems to be almost never-ending – with new and interesting expressions releasing seemingly every year.

And while many of the most exciting releases have been in the high age, higher price categories, it’s important to note that Compass Box is still committed to releasing a wide range of daily drinkers as part of their core lineup. One such core expression is their Glasgow Blend, a relatively affordable blended whisky that highlights Compass Box’s deft use of peat. Retailing for around $40, and featuring natural color, non-chill filtration, and a 43% ABV, is Glasgow Blend worthy of the Compass Box name? Let’s dive into the last 50ml from my mini Compass Box tasting set to find out! 

Age: Non-Age Stated

ABV: 43% ABV

Cask: Blend of ex-bourbon, sherry, French oak, and other casks

MSRP: $42

Distillery Name: Compass Box

Review Date: 4/24/24


Color: Medium Gold

 Nose: The nose starts off with sweet hay and a puff of smoke that rounds out a meaty umami character. Fresh cut gardenias mixed with smoked meat and an ocean breeze. Reminiscent of some Talisker I’ve had recently. Good hearty nose.

 Palate: The palate first hits with an ashy minerality before bringing vanilla cream, honeysuckle, red fruits, and more of that savory meaty character. It’s waxy and easy drinking – a perfect pairing to streak or BBQ. The mouthfeel is light and there is almost no heat whatsoever.

Finish: Short finish that features charred oak, peppered jerky, dried fruit, and salty air.


Final Thoughts: Compass Box Glasgow Blend is an excellent blended whisky for those look for a punch of peat with their blends. While it won’t become your next great whisky relevation, it easily puts many more common Jonnie Walker blends to shame. The nose is excellent, and the palate remains deceptively easy to drink, making Glasgow Blend a great entry into peat. It definitely won’t be for everyone, but if you like a savory, hearty blended whisky that’s still an easy drinker, this one is right up your alley.

Score: 86


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